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Fear Stories and their hidden agendas July 2, 2019 10:32
This morning I was up at 7 and at a coffee shop to meet a stranger by 8. I knew we had something in common and in the same line of work. I decided, even though I am not a morning person , that I needed to get off my arse and go meet her for coffee. Part of this next chapter for me is figuring out how to start it and what is going to be my new normal. To be honest, it has been a struggle , a good one that is a building block to what I will do next. At first I didn't like it and I have been approaching it slowly and trying to figure it all out in my own little heart and head.
But instead of dwelling on all that I'm gonna change it up a little and get out of that little black hole and stop chasing the beavers down there.
Lets face it, we all have "fear" based stories we've been telling and not matter how positive you are , they are there in everyone but not everyone is willing to share them or pull them out of their pocket. I have always been a believer in "triggers". Triggers have saved my life and started me in a much larger direction once I realized what they were. They helped keep my anxieties at bay and they made me a much softer person in general. They have also made me talk about them outloud!
Ive been reading a Gabrielle Bernstein book lately and it been a great lesson in perspective and is just what I needed to conquer this next chapter. She was telling a story about a guy that was dating a woman who triggered all of his insecurities and he was going to break up with her and Gabrielle had to tell him all the positive things in dating her and what he was missing out on ! The guy grew up with thinking he was never good enough and the lady was joking around with him and saying stuff that triggered those insecurities.
"your projecting your old fear story onto a totally innocent situation"
He was then told that it was a perfect assignment for him to face his fear because what Gabrielle teaches is that the world we live in is life and people are our assignments in this lifetime of ours.
What does this have to do with me and the next chapter in a new town ??? Well.....just about everything!! instead of trying to get to 60 in one year, I have 9 more years as a first goal to see what life has to teach me. I have had experiences with friends old and new that are triggering something in me . You may have them too?? If only you knew what they were and if you dont, please ask and I can walk you through them!
Trust me, if you want to have peace within , your gonna have to do the work, even me , "the peace within girl" .
Today, as you go about your life, think about your fear based stories you have been telling for so long and close the book on those. Don't play victim, change things up and go a spend time with strangers. Be open and listen to the messages . Look at everything as an assignment or a chapter to what is next and be FREE!! If you are needing a new book I strongly suggest you pick up Gabrielle Bernstein's, The universe has your back.
Love always wins over FEAR and life is such an amazing journey. Get out there and kick the hidden agendas wide open, do not push them aside, take them on like a BOSS.
Don't sugarcoat your relationships May 9, 2018 19:15
Stop the sugar coating of relationships and cultivate open onesWhat will 2018 look like for you? December 27, 2017 18:46
"Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.Maybe its about unbecoming everything that really isn't you,
you can be who you were meant to be in the first place."
Understanding Wise, seeing the wisdom of things August 16, 2016 19:16 1 Comment
So lately I am in a weird funk or I should say, Im "seeing" alot of life messages and a bit overwhelmed with the information and not sure what to do with it but somehow I am "feeling" the work that is being presented. I am writing about how life works in so many different ways and for me I am at the age or place where its right up into my face as if someone is in my personal space or your own hand is strategically placed in front of your nose and you are a bit blurred by it but ,you put some reader glasses on and its perfectly clear.
I am seeing life work in others also and how things come when we most need them or how timing is everything !!! Recently, I am dealing with some business stuff that needs to change and is causing me to step out of my comfort zone. Did you know that sometimes what your doing is not neccessarily about what your doing but just simply life moving and teaching you in general???? Hard to explain but stay with me......What if your journey, your relationships with people, your business , your job isn't really what its all about but its Life in general just working through you ........As you get older you get wiser and you aquire wisdom or you could be a lifetime wisdom seeker but you don't like confrontation or negative and you just want to be happy all the time?? Not always possible but you can make choices towards that but its not the Things you do or the identity or titles you pickup, its YOU and you are either seeing it or your not ready to see it. You may never see it but when you do you are kinda like feeling overwhelmed or not sure of the process or why you meet the people you do or work the jobs you work, or get swayed in an opposite direction of what you had pictured for your life and your journey...
Let me backtrack a little here...I tend to go all over the place trying to share my message ... This weekend a friend told me they were on a bike ride and was dropped, or just could'nt stay with a group and she was crying for whatever reason and one person from the group I was riding in happened to see her and be there so she rode with us and was then feeling inspired and back on track getting the workout done. These are instances that I am talking about, that person that showed up out of the blue was there for a reason for this friend and it was a blessing and or being in the right place at the right time kind of thing but really this is life working as it does. What im sharing is , life works as it should and oftentimes we dont see it but things like that happen all the time to me and to others. Sometimes when you dont see it , its because it wasnt meant for you to see or you are not ready. You didnt miss anything and it will come.
"My heart is at ease knowing what was meant for me will never miss me, and that what misses me was never meant for me " Imam Al-Shafil
So right now my journey is going down a different road than what I am comfortable with and has to do with how I was raised. What I mean by that is we have to understand why we do what we do and how we react to things based on what we learned as a child. I had to deal with a hearing impairment, it has NOT kept me from succeeding in any way. Most people use things about themselves as an excuse or a roadblock to where they really want to go. Whats keeping me from moving forward is timing and being ready to learn what life has to teach. Timing is everything!!! Life is moving in the direction as it should but you have to have your glasses on because blurry is too risky. Whats keeping one from moving forward is not changing the story you keep telling yourself!!!
For me, that is not liking confrontation from being a people pleaser all my life and being loved conditionally instead of unconditionally in my past, childhood. This is NOT a blog or writing about anger towards parents or anything this is just about wading through life and teaching others how to get to where they want to go. I get tickled pink and inspired when I have these ah ha moments and love to share what I have learned because WISDOM is everything to me. And just like I said above , I got a life message in a way that a quote was presented to me in a way that caught my eye and of course it was what I needed to hear and see and hence what I am writing about today.
"What has gone wrong becomes an opening to more of yourself and part of your gift to the world. This is the beginning of wisdom" Krista Tippett
So remember, no fear of the unknown, dont go to your cave, stay the course and to surround yourself with people who are living their truth or are seeking wisdom. Surround yourself with love and kindness and appreciate those friends that lend you books that can help you on your journey or friends that lend you their time . Together we can build a world that we can all walk in and be open to life's little snippets. Lastly, have peace within and spread that peace no matter where you are on your journey, wear your "glasses" and be open when you are ready, its a much better road than staying on an unchanging roadblock.
I am Woman here me ROAR....My Ironman Journey June 12, 2016 14:51
So a year ago I got a trainer who has been a friend for the whole time we have lived in Coeur d Alene, He was my first spin instructor and my friend Teresa was the person that got me to sign up for the race. You see, I was going through some big, tough life situations where I was not feeling myself and definitly in a mid life crisis of some sort and I sorta let myself go. I had quit crossfit and was hindered by my own injuries, actually they consumed me and became my excuse or rather my fear of moving forward or taking care of myself. I got the trainer to get my life back and a few months later I signed up for the half ironman. I am truly a person that believes that life happens as it should and I also can be seen as getting into the emotional side of things or the fantasy or , I cant think of the right word but I get into the nostalgia side of things or full circle of life and that may make others roll their eyes but it is fine with me . So, I started to see old friends come back around and I started to see a glimpse of my old self come back but truly as you read more you will see that it isn't my identity, being a triathlete. It is just a time in my past that I had a glimpse of my old self in where I liked who I was at that time and I liked how my body worked and how it looked and so I was in search of that again. Ironman, any Ironman is a bit extreme to put yourself in a place like that but for me its kinda the way I have always worked things out and that is THE HARD WAY....It comes from how I grew up or just being one of those "hard on yourself, I am my worst enemy" kinda person, yup that's me . Anyways, its two weeks away from race day and my body is still intact, a bit beat up but I am ready in my mind and hopefully physically ready. You see , I didn't have a coach that gave me a list of all the workouts and really he kinda has just been on the ride with me and unbeknownst to me I kinda just took a leap of faith with him and he trains a lot of hard core people but I think he saw something in me and just got on the plane with me on my journey. Basically he has spent time running a turtles pace with me when he is ten times faster and all the accountability has been what is the best part. I have done what he asked, I have flipped the bird, I have cried numerous times but no one has known my inner thoughts or what I have learned through this. I am telling you now, I have lost 20 lbs, that was my first goal, I may or may not reach my second goal and that is okay, this isn't an ironman race this is just LIFE, I made it about a race but its my life and my journey. I am telling you, when you fall in love , no matter how many years ago, you kinda lose yourself a little and although I have been married so many years this isn't my first time of reflection on it and its not a blog today about love but its about how we just lose a bit of ourselves on our journey to find who we really are or just the life we are living. I signed up for this race to get my inner fierceness back and I learned that we don't ever lose that consciously but unconsciously we do lose it a little and I have been told its just part of getting older. I will always be strong no matter what but it will be a entirely different picture in my head. My goal this year was simply to not have to explain a "NO" answer about everything. I have wasted so many years defending my heart and soul and trying to make everything look good all the time and the energy and emotions that go along with that has clearly made me carry a lot of extra baggage on this old broad body. So , I'm getting a little off track with this trying to explain, My intention is I feel I found the golden ticket in learning from this year that the pursuit of finding your true self is simply how life works and the purpose of our journeys and it can show up in crazy ways, Yes I will hopefully be an Ironman before I turn 50 but its not who I am its just a crazy way of telling my story, its like a cleansing of some sort, I put my body to the test, I dealt with friends being so supportive and not being able to rely on some in the training but that is nothing against them, it was simply a positive and a way to keep me on track that this is for me and I have to be a bit selfish and just take care of me, this is my race. The writing on the wall of life comes in many facets and in different ways for everyone this is just the ride I chose to take. Finish line or not, I got it, I changed my story and made a t shirt with that message on it for my business and simply tommorrow is another day. This bike course is really the hardest part of the race physically for me. The hills are quite long and I have ridden some training rides on it and I found myself singing out loud, my friend Kathy sings out loud and so I thought I would do the self talk to wash out the negative on that first course training ride and I havnt stopped. Again a full circle moment, I grew up with a single mom and during the Helen Reddy days, I am Woman. So yes this song is my motto and it will get me to the finish line and it is constantly on my lips and in my head..." I am woman hear me roar see my standing door to door, as I spread my loving arms across the land....and Ive come back even stronger, not allowance any longer, more determined to achieve my final goal! Oh yes I AM STRONG, I AM INVINCIBLE and I AM WOMAN!!" See ya on race day peeps , thanks for reading"Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness..." Desiderata April 7, 2015 15:16 2 Comments
FEAR. Lets talk about that big word that is the culprit of well, just about everything! It has taken a long time to learn this tricky little word and how it seeps into our everyday lives in so many different ways. I find that a lot of people don't even know it exists or the multitude of ways it encapsulates our whole being and puts us at a standstill. I am in the late part of my 40's and the interesting thing is my business name is aptly called, peace within. Seven years ago on a bday trip to Vegas my husband and I sat down trying to find a name that wasn't taken and had meaning. I didn't know the whole meaning to it until I started the journey and the neat thing is, it is my journey and it was started in ways I didn't know. I had no idea it would teach me about life, people and relationships. I knew I would learn about fabric and quality of goods, financial planning, dreams, people skills, taking the plunge, travelling etc. I didn't know it would be the new "fabric" of my life and lead me to this day, this hour, sitting at a coffee shop. Well that s how life really works and these are the lessons to be had. Back to that big word....FEAR......I am continually being challenged with it and I continue to see how much time we've wasted not knowing it was all just based on Fear. Lately, Ive tackled some big ones. In December I quit my job of 18 years, it no longer fulfilled my soul or benefitted who I was really supposed to be. I didn't feel like my authentic self and it took probably the last three years struggling with the decision and basing the decisions off of other people's fears as well as my own. I had to step out of my comfort zone and be a planner, well I'm a spontaneous girl! These thing require some realistic plans and so with all the anxiety and fears I pulled the trigger. I was tired of being the girl that just lived the 9-5, that wasn't who I was but like everything, it taught and prepared me for this next adventure and for that I am grateful. Back to FEAR, again I am trying to process this so to share with you the readers. You probably clicked this blog because you know that fear lives in you or your day to day life. Did you know that it is in every relationship you have ?? Did you know that we are all coming from a place of FEAR or ANGER ? Well some of you bright minds have already figured this out and acknowledged that it is a part of every decision you make. A few blog posts ago I wrote about TRIGGERS, it comes back in this post. Social media of all sorts has been posting quotes and sayings of positive or sarcastic notes. Our times now have changed, people are trying to better their lives. Everyone wants to be happier, healthier and wise. You see posts that talk about getting rid of unhealthy people in your life....your growing up and want to weed out relationships that don't fit your needs anymore or ones that "trigger" your past. Those are the ones that we have much to learn from !! Are you supposed to shy away from them ?? Yes or NO...The thing you have to ask yourself is....Are you coming from a place of FEAR or LOVE....most times its FEAR or Anger depending on where you at in life or in some cases its an age thing. Don't get me wrong, some of these are instances where you need to just cut the ties. My whole point here is RECOGNIZING the triggers in the relationship...it eases so much pain and creates so much understanding which then leads to LOVE. Everyone is going to protect their hearts and put their walls up, these are based on past relationships and often they started in your youth. The kind of parents you had, the experiences you had and the past is the past, we don't live there anymore. However, it is a tool to your future , your now. After you have forgiven your past and the people you needed to forgive you are on the right Track. So some examples here....I had a relationship that was really close and spent a majority of time with that one person..a lot of trust issues were broken and I ended up becoming a prisoner of my own home because it was my safe place. Not to go into many details but I was coming from a place of FEAR even though I didn't do anything wrong, I ended the relationship. Do I regret it?? not really but we have established a new relationship of some sort and it was a very growing time. But I was coming from a place of fear because there were a lot of instances in my childhood of lies and not belonging and as I took trust to be a very sacred thing, it really triggered a lot of pain and suffering and to me the trust issues in that relationship had nothing to do with me but I couldn't live with it seeping into my mind and heart. If it happened now that I'm older and have these tools as we are talking about , I would have recognized the FEAR and not let it effect me emotionally. It would have been a whole different ballgame. I would've come from a place of LOVE instead of FEAR and would have had a little more empathy for that person and the relationship. Being in Control is another form of fear and probably another blog, lets just stick with this for now...lets all remind ourselves when the anxiety kicks in, the emotions are high...ARE YOU COMING FROM A PLACE OF FEAR OR LOVE?? CHOOSE LOVE. CHOOSE LOVE. CHOOSE LOVE. It all makes things more simpler and happy. peace within.What inspires YOU? February 24, 2015 14:36
What inspires me most days is the color of things and sometimes when we don't know it they pop up in our daily lives. In my peace within office, I have a large, long wire attached across the room full of clothespins and inspirations. A lot of the stuff hanging is color combos that I want to bring to my clothing line. Oftentimes I forget I'm using the same colors over and over and need to change it up here and there to bring in more choices.
In my new life transition, its only been a couple of months, I have focused on getting my body back and that includes this smoothie everyday!! It inspired me to put the two colors together for my new dog lover t-shirt! . Oftentimes I'll just go shopping in the weirdest places and sometimes just online to get my imagination going .
Everyone has ways of being Inspired. I find people and words very uplifting and of course my walks in the northwest bring peace and inspiration also, but sometimes just the towel colors out of the current Pottery Barn catalog will get my juices flowing.
I find it very interesting that many of my artist friends or strangers happen to be the hippest. I find that they can pull off a great outfit or get away with a really out there combo of stripes and solids or mixing colors that no one else would ever try. Whats also interesting is they are somewhat quirky and weird or downright hilarious! Oh how I love artist and being one myself!! I embrace my quirkiness and all my imperfections and so should you! So don't judge yourself for ordering the same thing every time at the Mexican restaurant, or sometimes only buying the wine with the cool labels....or simply judging a book by its cover?? Embrace the fact that you are so happy with so little, or see the joy in the simple things. Embrace that you can step out of your comfort zones or simply walk in them in those purple shoes or that hideous fabric. You are being YOU and that is OKay!
Now go out there and inspire someone and be inspired, do what you are called to do and step out into the world, quirkiness and all !! Life is beautiful, enjoy your peace within!
Nature, Dogs, Friendships and Expectations... February 17, 2015 17:35 4 Comments

What's Love got to do with it?? February 10, 2015 19:53

"Nothing ever goes away, until it teaches us what we need to know " Pema Chodron
I have a great life and a great Husband and dog. It had taken a good portion of our early years to learn to trust in our relationship and he wasn't doing anything wrong. He stayed the true gentleman that he is and was so patient with me. HE LOVED me even when I couldn't love myself fully . You see, I was a child of divorce, there was a lot of abandonment's and I learned to be really stubborn and very independent from a very small age. I built walls around me so that the pain I masked couldn't touch the innermost parts of me... My story was, I didn't feel validated or have a sense of belonging. Many people and friends took me in and I went with open arms but when I hugged them I held on tight and I gave everything of me without saving anything for myself so I created patterns of love that was sweet and honest but I always came back empty handed in the love for myself. Once I continued to be loved unconditionally by my man and knew it was there to stay, I began to unravel the layers and find comfort in the belonging of my own body and my own thoughts. The triggers came and went where people and things came and went and I didn't get my validation card punched again.... Slowly I learned that all your love can't come from one person, and they certainly can't come from things. You learn to accept yourself as you are and not play small to make others comfortable or abide by others fears. You learn to love the person you've always been and then the joy you find in things will be lovable again because you are holding them with a different perspective than you once did. You enjoy people and things a whole lot more because you learn to respect those that love you more than you'll ever dream, you keep them close."Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to truth " Pema Chodron
FEAR is a big blocker to LOVE...a lot of friends and myself included have wasted many years walking with closed hearts because of triggers and confusion in us that we didn't feel BRAVE or even love ourselves enough to let someone else in... On this Valentines week, lets just be open and let things happen as they should. Be BRAVE, push FEAR aside and let LOVE WIN!! Have your peace within so you can love yourself enough to LOVE others deeply, and with open arms... Whats Love got to do with it ??? Loving you enough so you can love others!!Happiness ? Yes! getting away from the distractions... February 5, 2015 15:06 3 Comments

the little triggers...do you see them? February 1, 2015 16:33
Its Sunday and I am sitting on the couch with a blanket and some furry paws velcroed to my side leg and the snow is falling a little swiftly and I am thinking....TRIGGERS... It has nothing to do with my environment currently but everything to do with being aware when you are going through tough times. I am so loving my new transition in life and currently my blog that I am developing here as we speak. I find it freeing to put down into words what we have learned in the past and living in the future. Triggers....do you know what they are?? Do you know what I am talking about? This isn't about Halloween or ghost stories, this is about the things that you suffer from emotionally and sometimes physically for some people. It's about recognizing why you react or feel the way you do when you are in discomfort, sadness, FEAR. When you can recognize that you are seeing a TRIGGER then you just say to yourself simply, "it's just a trigger" and then you take care of yourself gently and forgive yourself for having that thought or feeling versus turning to food, or reacting emotionally and saying something you wish you never said. About two or three years ago I finally recognized the TRIGGERS and look at them in a whole new light now. I look at them as positive messages, or signs that oh..its just a trigger and then I just move through the day so much more smoothly... So let me give you some examples...A few years back an older friend was telling me, or rather talking to me about her daughter. And, I've heard this story many many times and I guess that day it just turned into a trigger...but let me explain more in detail. She had been going on and on in her victim mode of being such a great mother, and provided for her and this and that, all material things she did for her daughter but did she love her conditionally or unconditionally ? Did she tell her how blessed she was to be her mother or how proud she was of her and how far she has come? Did she tell her anything about her greatness instead of about her own thoughts of me me me...or what a chore it was to raise her? NO! So it kind of raised a TRIGGER in me and I decided to voice my own thoughts and be that daughter that wanted to respond and defend that hurt soul. I wanted to defend her because I too needed to defend my own. Judgement growing up and being constantly reminded of all the things you didn't do does not reap happy souls, it teaches us to defend ourselves and put those walls around us... It didn't go over well but the moral of the story is...TRIGGERS...its all just triggers and when you can realize that when dealing with your own daily life and having these moments of feeling weak, fearful or sad, just say to yourself "its just a trigger" of my own relationship with my mother and I don't wish you any harm or whatever you are dealing with its a trigger of something that hurt you in your past. Let me tell you, I have made it my mission to teach when I'm seeing people struggle with the stories they keep telling themselves and when they see that it is a trigger of the past they are more open to letting it past and letting it go "...Be gentle with yourself, you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here ..." desiderataits the little things.... January 28, 2015 14:51 3 Comments
This morning at my Starbucks meeting with a friend I saw another friend on her bike in the drive thru lane about to purchase her morning cup of joe! I rushed to my bag to grab my wallet and make her purchase before she got to the window to pay. Why am I sharing this?? its not for accolades or pats on the back, its to remind you and all of us, its the little things... So I was tickled pink and smiling from my little quick moves and sneakiness and it felt so good to make someone else's day! Now hold on, don't be thinking too much into it. Rather, take a look at yourself, do you feel like your true self when doing nice things ?? Is your soul shining bright? My point here is this whole January I have been aware of the things that make me feel most myself is when I'm doing good or when I am connected with a friend who is like-minded and has soul. I'm my happy-go-lucky self and I want this feeling all the time....and those are the people you should be spending your time with... " You can always tell when someone is connected to their soul because you love how you feel around them. Its like their soul is persuading yours to shine" Lori Harder, The Bliss Project Do you need to make some little changes in your life ? Big or small, its the little things .....and it's not about paying it forward all the time or at all...its about being happy inside, having those little moments where your heart and soul are connected with your eyes and heart.Our New Website January 11, 2014 19:11
This has been a great experience and our goal was to create an easier and quick shopping experience for existing and new peace within lovers!
Thank you for visiting us, we strive to help find meaning in the things you wear and I only hope you can love the things I love like Dogs, coffee, cycling and the great outdoors. My art you find in this company is something that brings meaning to the things I find important. Being happy is a choice and these are things that make me happy and bring joy each day.