Moving on up, the NEXT CHAPTER November 14, 2018 14:46 5 Comments
For the last couple of years there has been a slight chance we would have a huge life change on the horizon. My husband has been giving little hints of change in his workplace and opportunities we may have to take. He asked me if I would go along for the ride and he also said I was the only person he would want along for the ride..... So , after a new muffin top showed up on my midsection, I dealt with so many thoughts and fears and bits of change. Ive struggled and asked my friends to swear to secrecy the fact that we might be moving. Ive had many coffee conversations with a wide range of friends of all ages as I tried to grasp the meaning to all my thoughts and life's twist in turns. Last week it became known that we for sure are leaving our beloved Coeur d Alene and moving to Lake Geneva , Wisconsin. I have no control over what life throws at me and being a daughter of a single Mom growing up, well I had to fight a lot inside to be okay with giving up all the control and my separate bank account dwindling.
Back to my beloved Coeur d Alene, where my heart and soul lies in the beauty of the Lake and the simple joys of nature I have great access to. I am giving up so many amazing relationships here that have made me a better person. This has been my growing up years and many discoveries were inspired by the beauty of the area. My business started here on my 40th bday. I became the "peace within girl" without a first name. My vintage shows and relationships started just meeting a girl named Kate, well two Kate's and then being introduced to Serena Thompson and Terri Edwards of the Farm Chicks. That started it all as I expanded my reach and met amazing people who inspired my artistic talents and food for thought.
The amazing relationships Ive made here, they've taught me so much about just the little things life teaches you. So now as I sit and ponder the next Chapter of our lives, I feel lost at times because I don't know what the future looks like and that is scary. I don't know who I'm gonna be in a new town that knows nothing about peace within . I don't know where we are gonna live, whose going to cover my gray hairs once a month, whose gonna have coffee with me? let alone my coffee shop. Whose gonna have a romp with my border collies and how am I going to iron dress shirts and sports coats for the hubby each day? All these unknowns just to name a few.
But as you know, I am a positive person and I will just be me and watch how the chapter unfolds. Ill be mindful of my fears and my breathing. Ill catch myself when I start thinking a small business name defines who I am. Ill remember all the love and passion I have for people and learn to have it for myself, muffin top and all. Ill take care of that as things settle and I will always have a smile on my face and spread peace within and positive energy everywhere because my energy and my thoughts are who I really am.
Thank you Coeur d Alene, heart of the awl. Thank you all my friends for your love for me and my business. Please don't go away, Ill be online still and return to the Great Pacific Northwest when we retire . Adios for now and see you on the wide world of internet.
Lynda Sipes Bolstad on September 14, 2020 14:12
Never change…be the Sweety that u r and always have been. You being you has made u a successful business woman, wife and puppy owner. Don’t regret life changes, embrace them. Example?..Look what happened to me..33 long but rewarding career,retirement pending, had a stroke just before signing that paperwork and Low and Behold…who steps back into my life … a beautiful man I was supposed to marry at 19. 27 years we had not talked but he found me thru the internet. Was I apprehensive….You betcha but we moved forward. He helped me get healthy and God handed us another challenge … Sept 14, 2016, Ron’s devistating auto accident in Utah. But my first marriage happened on April 21, 2017…I was 66..Ron mending daily. You know I wish u all the luck in the world but always always keep your head and heart open for change… You are successful in many ways, Kiddo… I wish you, Jeff and your puppies all the Luck and Love in the world….and remember to embrace those life changes… They have brought me much happiness!🦋
Patricia Buss on September 14, 2020 14:11
Dear Rebecca,
I’m excited for Lake Geneva to be gaining such an inspirational, positive person!! Lake Geneva is a wonderful place for you to further your artistic gifts!! You will certainly meet many other like minded people there.
I would love to welcome you in person when it works for you. Lake Geneva has a lot to offer.
I should maybe identify myself as Terry’s mom😁
Polly on September 14, 2020 14:11
Dearest one,
You are a Brave girl who will always have your dear friends amongst you and your everlasting spirit and light! Whatever this journey takes you on you will be in our hearts! I’ve never been to Wisconsin so I will come visit for sure! You are lucky to have a man you love so much and together you can do anything ‼️Love you my friend ❤️Polly Jane
Kristin on September 14, 2020 14:11
Great post! I am going to miss you!!!
Paula on September 14, 2020 14:11
Rebecca you are going to love Wisconsin and Wisconsin is going to love YOU!!! I’m excited for you – embrace the change !!! Love you lots – pd