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Moving on up, the NEXT CHAPTER November 14, 2018 14:46 5 Comments

Wisconsin bound, another chapter of this great life of ours.

So long Coeur d Alene...until we meet again

Everything is happening as it should... July 10, 2018 18:12

“I didn’t see my own accomplishment; I saw my Fathers reaction to my accomplishment”

Boundaries or BUST June 12, 2018 19:14

“The only people who get upset when you set boundaries are the ones who benefited from you having none.”


unlearning what you've learned June 12, 2018 13:18

"It takes years as a woman to unlearn what you have been taught to be  sorry about." 

Safety First?? I think NOT... April 17, 2018 16:04

I learned that all this SAFETY and shields from our fears are actually nets we throw over our heads

Warm Fuzzies, Girlfriends and Feeling whole January 8, 2018 15:49

Maybe all this unbecoming stuff is also full circle moments in which your past relationships or stories bear fruit to teach you how far you have come.  Or maybe they translate into a kind of love you can only see when your eyes are open. - Rebecca Armstrong